

Dermans Law.


A world of professional legal training provided by qualified legal practitioners.




Freelance training provision from experienced practising lawyers created to address the needs of your practice - you need that.


Training that is relevant to your Client base - you need that.


If your staff, including your lower paid ones, the unadmitted perhaps, are provided with sufficient dedicated training which is delivered in such a way that it is cost efficient - you need that.


If you can fulfil the requirements of your Clients without turning them away or having to instruct expensive external Counsel - you need that.


If your Licensing Committee feel they are receiving good sound legal advice so that your valued staff can be retained in house - you need that.


You need Dermans Law.


Contact us: clientcare@dermanslaw.co.uk



Freelance legal Training

  • Licensing training to licensing legal departments
  • Licensing training to Licensing officers
  • Licensing training to Committee Members
  • Licensing training to private firms
  • Gambling Act Training
  • Regulatory law training to Council enforcement teams
  • Tailor-made training produced and provided to suit your needs.
  • Training seminars with mock hearings.

This website is still under development.


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Please return to this website to see our updates.




We are keen to hear from you - if you are considering using our services for training your colleagues.



We are keen to hear from you - if you are interested in joining our team of trainers.


Contact us.











Training is a necessary tool for us in the legal profession. Now more than ever, training budgets are being rigorously scrutinised. Value for money. Necessity. Is it the best use of our resources? All these factors need to be taken into account.


We understand these competing pressures.


We offer a demand driven area of new work to you. Licensing Law need not be a niche area of work. The traders are there needing legal advice and assistance and so why is it that so few local firms have the necessary in-house legal knowledge to readily take these instructions?



Why not contact us and discuss how we can possibly assist your firm with its training needs?


Email: Clientcare@dermanslaw.co.uk


We are a new company keen to work with our colleagues to reinforce knowledge and provide necessary support to a potential client base which is largely left adrift.


Dermans Law - Freelance professional legal training delivered by experienced qualified lawyers.


Please note that this site is still under development.


So, please favourite it, or bookmark it for your records.


Dermans Law is new.


We are providing freelance legal training solutions for the legal profession.


If you think we may be able to help your Practice help your potential Clients, then why don't you contact us? Please do.



If you wish to join us as a freelance provider of training then we would like to hear from you too.


Demand is high for relevant high quality training in areas of legal practice which are unfamiliar to many legal Practices. We aim to fill that need


Contact us: dermanslaw.co.uk



