Dermans Law.
A world of professional legal training provided by qualified legal practitioners.
Freelance training provision from experienced practising lawyers created to address the needs of your practice - you need that.
Training that is relevant to your Client base - you need that.
If your staff, including your lower paid ones, the unadmitted perhaps, are provided with sufficient dedicated training which is delivered in such a way that it is cost efficient - you need that.
If you can fulfil the requirements of your Clients without turning them away or having to instruct expensive external Counsel - you need that.
If your Licensing Committee feel they are receiving good sound legal advice so that your valued staff can be retained in house - you need that.
You need Dermans Law.
Contact us:
Freelance legal Training
We are keen to hear from you - if you are considering using our services for training your colleagues.
We are keen to hear from you - if you are interested in joining our team of trainers.
Contact us.
Why not contact us and discuss how we can possibly assist your firm with its training needs?
We are a new company keen to work with our colleagues to reinforce knowledge and provide necessary support to a potential client base which is largely left adrift.