Dermans Law.
A world of professional legal training provided by qualified legal practitioners.
Dermans Law provides freelance training which can be tailor-made for you and your staff.
Dermans Law can help your Practice serve your Clients by "tooling up" You and your staff for today's legal demands.
Freelance training provision from experienced practising lawyers created to address the needs of your practice - you need that.
Training that is relevant to your Client base - you need that.
If your staff, including your lower paid ones, the unadmitted perhaps, are provided with sufficient dedicated training which is delivered in such a way that it is cost efficient - you need that.
If you can fulfil the requirements of your Clients without turning them away or having to instruct expensive external Counsel - you need that.
If your Licensing Committee feel they are receiving good sound legal advice so that your valued staff can be retained in house - you need that.
You need Dermans Law.
Contact us:
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A firm can reasonably and sensibly train their unadmitted staff to provide licensing advice and assistance. Clients needing this help are out there right now. Dermans Law can help you .
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